Niels Bugge - 1359, of Hald and Nørre Vosborg, vas according to the family books a son of Bugge Nielsen of Hegnet who was killed at Lyby kirke by Erik Brune (Banner) of Elkær). His father belonged to the Jutland-followers of grev Gert and is mentioned among the witnesses of the Holstein part in the negotiation of 10 January 1332 between king Christoffer and grev Gert. (the Holstein Graf Gert) Like his father Niels Bugge early joined the mighty grev Gert - and in the king-less period from 1332-40 he achieved a power and esteem from his Nørrejyske (North Jutland) rank companions, which no one in his family probably had ever possessed before. He was closely related to Niels Ebbesen, he was his mother's brother (Niels Bugge's sister Bege Bugge was married to Ebbe Strangesen ) . Niels Bugge later broke with grev Gert, and according to the folksong he was one of the main leaders of the great rebellion in Nørrejylland which was the cause of grev Gert's raid in 1340 and the bloody incident in Randers.
Niels Bugge's original home was in Nørre Vosborg in Ulvborg parish and district and close to Storåen's ( river) outflow in Nissum Fjord. (and the North Sea). The family books says that he built this castle meant to be his real family castle a long time before he established Hald Castle, (near Viborg) - and several legends still keeps the memory about the English building master who built the strong castle and about the gardener who laid out the garden, and about the English prince who stranded at the Jutland coast and was plundered by hr. Eske Frost, but received in glory and honour by Niels Bugge. First in 1345 he was the full owner of this strong fortification at Hald.
Niels Bugge's name is connected to Hald and he undoubtedly lived here, and from there he lead the great rebellion against king Valdemar Atterdag, who in special brought Niels Bugge's name to the afterworld. He was probably the richest lord of the kingdom in that period - and with good reason he was called "King Bugge". Besides Nørre Vosborg and Hald he owned the castles and manors Estrup, Spøttrup, Åstrup, Rolstrup at Mors, Lindholm at Skagen and Støvringgård and several other estate, especially in the northern part of Nørrejylland.
Thus he was an obvious leader of the Jutland nobility, whose personal need of independence was being threatened by Valdemar Atterdag's aim at expanding the power of the crown . When king Valdemar ruthlessly made a stand against the feeling of freedom and wilfulness of the nobility, a fight started between the aristocracy and the royal power in which Niels Bugge stood as a leader and a representative of the old time's demands.
Still in 1350 the relation between the king and Niels Bugge was friendly. He participated in the king's expedition to Mecklenburg and Brandenburg in 1349 and 1350 and was present in Spremberg and Bautzen when Valdemar mediated agreements between Ludvig of Bayern and Karl IV. But shortly after his homecoming he joined Valdemar's enemies, the Holstein grafs and hertug Valdemar of Sønderjyland, and before the end of 1351 the whole Jutland from Elben to Skagen was at war with Valdemar.
Niels Bugge quickly achieved honour in the feud, he conquered the castle Landting at Limfjorden where he took prisoners, and the folklegend about the king's siege of Hald Castle must be a part of this story. In the agreement at Vindinge 26. July 1353 the Jutland lords and especially Niels Bugge were present, mutual conquerings were given back and some decisions about releasing the prisoners were made. At the great Danehof in Nyborg St. Hans dag 1354, where the complete reconciliation with the king and his men took place, Niels Bugge was undoubtedly present - and in the following year we find him as an active member at the royal thing in Jutland.
But already in the winter 1356-57 the discontent in Jutland broke out again, many Jutes came across Lillebælt to Funen to bring their complaints to the king, and a new feud took place and again with the Holstein grafs, hertug Valdemar and the Jutland nobility as participants. In the end of the year 1358 Niels Bugge went together with Ove Stigsen of Eskebjerg and Peder Andersen of Margård, all granted safe passage, to Slagelse to make an agreement with the king. The conditions the king came up with were so tough that they furiously left the meeting two days before Christmas. On their journey home Niels Bugge and his two followers were killed in Middelfart by some fishermen. Up til 1874 three houses in Middelfart had to pay a fine for the killing, a speciel tax, the socalled "Buggespenge" ("Buggesmoney").
King Valdemar solemnly swore that he had nothing to do with the murders, and the king's son Christoffer and Niels Bugge's son Knud even got a friendly relationship, but the suspicion against Valdemar was impossible to wipe out. The folksong about Niels Bugge's murder is consistent with the people's hostile feelings against the king. Niels Bugge on the contrary is pictured in full sympathy.
Fra Dansk Biografisk Lexikon, (Mollerup).
(Niels Bugge (Forfædrelinie IV, 1.g.)
Niels Bugge was married twice.
1) Lisbeth Palnesdatter Juul, a daughter of marsk Palne Jonsen Juul and Elne Nielsdatter Lendi of Troldorp.
2) Ingeborg Vendelbo, a daughter of drost Peder Vendelbo
Kirsten Nielsdatter Bugge
Ellen Nielsdatter Bugge of Støvringgård, m. to drost Christiern Vendelbo, owner of Truidsholm and høvedsmand at Skanderborg slot.
Niels Nielsen Bugge
Mikkel (?) Nielsen Bugge
Lisbeth Nielsdatter Bugge til Hald, m. to hr. Gotskalk Skarpenberg
and a son:
Knud Nielsen Bugge (from which marriage?)
Fra Dansk Biografisk Lexikon, (Mollerup)
more text later.
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