Harald Skrænk, --1182--, royal descendant. When the villagers in Skåne were told about Valdemar I's death (1182), they renewed at once the rebellion, which was recently put a brake on. Archbishop Absalon and several magnates had to leave Skåne. In order to get a chief the rebels called H. from Sweden. He is just called a Danish royal descendant, but all indicates that he was a son of Oluf, Harald Kesja's son, who once with Swedish assistance was made king in Skåne. H. was also supported by the Swedish king,Knud Eriksen, and the earl Birger Brosa, who both were his relatives. Except for his high descent H. lacked everything which creates a chief. «It is not easy to know, if the shame was on Sweden for sending him or on Skåne for accepting him," says Saxo. The citizens of Lund closed the city gates for him, the king's and Absalon's army were victorius at Lommeaa - in spite of heavy resistance - over the rebellious flock, and H. had to take flight to Sweden together with the leader of the villagers, Aage. (1183). A new rebellion was about to start, but Absalon appealed to the peasants, and at the Thing the magnates judged H. outlawed. When king Knud Valdemarsen shortly after came to Skåne, H.'s supporters were punished with money-fines. His own conduct had been without honour, the byname "Skrænk" ( = bottom) is not a very courteous, but a well deserved sarcasm for his quick escape. Hans Olrik. Kilde: Dansk Biografisk Lexicon Carl Fr. Bricka Project Runeberg (1887-1905)
translation grethe bachmann © copyright![]()
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